Shaping Victoria’s Legal System: Rob Hulls AM Speaks to St Aloysius Students
On Thursday 6 March, the College welcomed former Victorian Attorney-General Rob Hulls AM to speak to all Year 11-12 Legal Studies students about his experience in the Victorian criminal justice system. Mr Hulls is the former Victorian Labor attorney-general and deputy premier. As attorney-general, Rob instigated significant changes to Victoria’s legal system which saw the establishment of the state’s first Charter of Human Rights and reform to Victoria’s Upper House. He established specialist…
A Groundbreaking Future: St Aloysius College Senior Years Campus
A GroundBreaking Future: St Aloysius College Senior Years Campus St Aloysius College has embarked on an exciting new chapter with the construction of its Senior Years Campus on Boundary Road. This landmark development, forming Stage One of the College Masterplan, reflects the College’s unwavering commitment to providing exceptional, future-focused education in state-of-the-art facilities. On Friday 15th November, the college community gathered to celebrate the turning of the sod at the site of…
We Will Remember Them
At 11:00am on the 11th day of the 11th month in 1918 the guns fell silent on the war-torn fields and trenches of Europe, ending four years of bloodshed and destruction. Today, we remembered those who have served our country in conflicts past and present. We wore our poppies with pride and observe a minute silence with both reverence and observance. The things we often take for granted, freedom and democracy, were and have been won and defended by the ultimate sacrifice of many. Proudly, the…
Rotary Barbecue
This year, several of our Year 9 students have been actively involved in the Bunnings Rotary barbecues on weekends at both Collingwood and Port Melbourne. This past weekend, Millie D. and Chanelle Y. were at the Collingwood barbecue, supervised by Mr Jordan Miller, while Josephine W. and Nina C. assisted at Port Melbourne, under the guidance of Miss Enya Hannigan. The students were fully engaged, and by the end of their shifts, they were confidently running the show! Since St Aloysius College…
Talking To Your Young Person About Mental Health
This World Mental Health Day, St Aloysius College encourages open conversations about mental health within our families. To support this, our College Psychologist, Cate Rushan, has adapted an insightful resource from headspace, offering practical tips for starting these important dialogues with young people. By creating a safe space for these conversations, we can help our students feel seen, supported, and resilient in challenging times. World Mental Health Day is an opportune time to bring…
Empowering Future Leaders: The Impact of Nurturing Leadership and Agency in Students
Empowering Future Leaders: The Impact of Nurturing Leadership and Agency in Students Siobhan BloomfieldAssistant Principal, Student Wellbeing and Engagement at St Aloysius College
Future Trends: Education & Curriculum
Future Trends: Education and Curriculum Mark SmithPedagogical Development & Community Relations Leader at St Aloysius College
Languages and International Travel: Cultivating Profound Learning Outcomes
Languages and International Travel: Cultivating Profound Learning Outcomes Arina MizunoLanguages Leader at St Aloysius College