
Monday, 30 Jan 2023

A New Chapter Begins

St Aloysius College today commenced a new chapter, with the first co-educational Year 7 intake in the College's 136 year history. Becoming the first Catholic co-education secondary School within the vibrant, multi-cultural City of Melbourne, St Aloysius will continue to welcome boys through the Year 7 intake until St Aloysius becomes fully co-educational towards the end of the decade in 2028.

Monday, 12 Dec 2022

Class of 2022 Results

Congratulations to the Class of 2022! These results continue the very strong academic record that St Aloysius College has worked collectively to achieve over recent years. Despite the many challenges this cohort faced – particularly over the final two years of their secondary Senior Schooling - their resilience and commitment has shone through, which has resulted in quite remarkable VCE/VCAL results. We are ecstatic to reveal that fifty percent of our VCE students achieved an ATAR which placed…

Friday, 11 Nov 2022

Remembrance Day, 2022

Today we remember those who have served our country in conflicts past and present, Particularly those who left these shores to take up arms in World War 1. The Great War to end all wars sadly failed in that endeavour, but the things we often take for granted - freedom and democracy - were and have been won and defended by the ultimate sacrifice of many. Proudly, the tradition of remembrance is stronger than ever and Remembrance Day remains a vital part of our school heritage each November.

Friday, 07 Oct 2022

Announcing ReConnect: the 2022 Visual Arts & Technology Exhibition

The wider St Aloysius College community is warmly invited to attend the Opening Night of Reconnect: the 2022 Art and Technology Exhibition. The exhibition will encompass works by students across the entire Art and Technology Department of 2022 and represents a year of hard work, creativity and exceptional dedication by these students. Admission is free and registration is essential.

Monday, 26 Sept 2022

Royal Melbourne Show, 2022 Prize Winners

It gives us great pleasure to share the success that St Aloysius College students had with their entries to the Royal Melbourne Show. With entries across all categories, we are delighted to announce that 30 Art and Technology students from Years 7-12 placed in their events at the show's Arts, Craft and Cookery Competition. Entries ranged from photography and sculpting, to cooking and painting, through to drawing and sewing. The work submitted was the culmination of the students' work across the…

Monday, 15 Aug 2022

Victorian Parliament Prize Competition

Judged by representatives of the Victorian Parliament, the Parliament Prize Competition this year welcomed 670 submissions from students across Victoria who were invited to submit a 90 second video expressing views they feel are important to share to bring about change for the benefit of all. It is with pleasure that we announce Fadzai Bako (Year 8) has been awarded Second Place in the Years 7-9 category of the Victorian Parliament Prize for her submission It is time to raise the age of…

Wednesday, 22 June 2022

End of Term 2 Message

As we conclude the first semester, I encourage all students to reflect upon their teachers’ feedback, on their progress in their studies, and with their organisational skills in preparation for Term 3. On Friday, Kim Sue Hendry, Learning Diversity Leader, will commence her Long Service Leave, with Josephine Donato replacing her in this role. I wish Kim Sue a safe and healthy leave. I would like to acknowledge and thank Kim Sue for her endless commitment and support to all the students within…

Tuesday, 31 May 2022

Supporting McAuley Community Services for Women

McAuley Community Services for Women responds to women and children in need by providing housing where possible, and addressing immediate needs that cover: Practical support such as pyjamas and foodEmotional support and encouragementAccess to legal and financial helpEmployment supportEducation support to children who are in motels or crisis accommodationHelp to settle into new housing McAuley assists around 800 women and children each year, and, whilst most of our accommodation is in the…

Thursday, 26 May 2022

St Aloysius College Students Join The Long Walk

As part the College Social Justice Program, a group of students from St Aloysius College attended The Long Walk last Saturday, 21st May. Coinciding with National Reconciliation Week, the objective of The Long Walk is to raise awareness of, provoke conversation and promote reconciliation with the Indigenous people of this land. The history of the Long Walk began in Melbourne in 2004, inspired by Michael Long’s walk to Canberra to get the lives of indigenous people on the national agenda. The…