Catholic Mission and Ethos

Confirmation and Prayer

On Sunday, 11th August, four of our students were confirmed into the Catholic faith at St Brendan’s Church in Flemington, celebrated by Bishop Martin Ashe, with Fr Thang Vu as concelebrant.

The Sacrament of Confirmation is part of the Sacraments of Initiation in the Catholic Church, which signifies the strengthening of faith through the same Spirit received at Baptism. Confirmation is sometimes described as a call to become more like Christ by responding to the call to serve others as full members of the Christian community.

Hannah Kennedy from Year 11, along with Georgia Gilbert, Honor Moody, and Ismael Marcus Tolidanes from Year 7, were joined by their families and friends to celebrate their commitment to the Catholic faith.

We thank the staff and the community of St Brendan’s Primary School for including us in their celebration of the Sacrament of Confirmation, and for preparing and organising the Mass alongside their Grade 6 candidates.

Michael Chesser
Director, Catholic Mission and Mercy Ethos

In last week’s and this week’s Sunday Gospel, we listened to the words in John’s Gospel (Chapter 6: 45-69), which highlight that Christ is the bread of everlasting life, the sacrament of the Eucharist, and that it is the Spirit that gives life, which we receive in the Sacrament of Confirmation. In these Gospel readings, Jesus tells us that he is God's Holy One; he has the words of eternal life. We are called to live what we believe. That can be tough at times, especially in our modern world, but the challenge comes from the example Jesus gave.

Heavenly Father,
We come before You with hearts full of gratitude and reverence, acknowledging the profound truth revealed through Your Son, Jesus Christ. In His teachings, we recognise the divine wisdom and the promise of eternal life that He offers.
Lord, we thank You for the gift of Your Word, which nourishes our souls like the bread of life. Help us to embrace the truth of Christ’s teachings, even when they challenge us or seem beyond our understanding. Grant us the faith to trust in Your provision and the courage to follow where You lead.
We ask for Your strength to remain steadfast in our belief, just as Peter declared, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life.” In moments of doubt or struggle, remind us of the depth of Your love and the certainty of Your promises.
Guide us to live out the teachings of Jesus in our daily lives, reflecting His grace, compassion, and truth. May our actions be a testament to the transformative power of His presence within us.
As we partake of the spiritual nourishment You provide, deepen our relationship with You, and renew our commitment to walk in the path of righteousness. Fill us with the peace and assurance that comes from knowing that Christ is indeed the Bread of Life.
We lift up this prayer in the name of Jesus, who is our Savior and sustainer.