Debating and Public Speaking

It’s been a busy six weeks for our public speakers and debaters at St Aloysius. In debating, the season has almost concluded. We await the confirmation of results but at this stage, it looks like our Year 10 and Year 11 teams have both won their competitions. At Year 9, a grand final will determine the winner. Amazingly, both teams that made the grand final are from St Aloysius! Results to follow in a subsequent newsletter.

The major public speaking competition of recent times was the ACS Public Speaking Compeition, held at St Leonard’s College on August 5th. Each school sends three competitors; junior, intermediate and senior. St Aloysius was represented by Theodora Galovich (Year 8) Fadzai Bako (Year 10) and Sofia Jorquera (Year 11). All three acquitted themselves superbly. Congratulations must be given to Fadzai, who won the intermediate division. This is the second year in a row she has won.

Finally, debating for junior students began on August 14th. A group of intrepid Year 7s and 8s journeyed to Coburg High School for an informative training session run by the Debaters Association of Victoria. We look forward to the first round of competition to be held on August 28th.

Adam Valladares
Learning Leader - English and Literacy