From the Deputy Principal
Taking risks, being curious may seem dangerous but taking safe risks are essential part of growing. Parents would like to ensure the safest passage through life for their children, yet we know early on how teenagers push parents away as if they are suffocating from the interference. If the research is accurate, this ‘push away’ is only surface level as the average teenager will keep their parents within a lunge-like distance.
Early next term, Wednesday 17th April, Dr Jocelyn Brewer will be presenting an evening webinar for our parents to support the relationship between parents and teen/tweens. This session is for parents of Year 7-9 students, focusing on untangling the hold technology has on our teens and building a healthy, positive relationship with the digital landscape. As parents, carers and teachers, we acknowledge the importance of communication, patience, and listening to the needs of young people who can often feel their perspective is the only correct one. This can be challenging, and we welcome expert advice to help us monitor and care about our teenagers as they navigate their version of the digital world. We believe parents will find this presentation useful for preparing young people to make appropriate and informed choices.
Teachers at St Aloysius College declare their care and advocacy for their students regularly. These actions are displayed not due to regulatory expectations such as Child Safety and curriculum compliance but due to the vocation of teaching they innately feel. This vocation means working alongside young people, leading by example, fostering confidence in students to enjoy the challenge of courses and being curious about life. Taking such a role in this exciting phase of a person’s life is a privilege but success for the student is enhanced when parents and carers show their support of the teachers and the College through communication and trust.
Ultimately, parents and carers are the most influential forces upon their young people. Many parents choose St Aloysius for their children due to College’s focus on and embodiment of the Mercy values of Compassion, Respect, Justice, Hospitality, Service and Courage, and the myriad opportunities our students are afforded. When parents express trust in and support for a school and its teachers, they facilitate an environment whereby young people become aware of, and strive to understand perspectives other than their own, which is a healthy preparation for adulthood. When parents dismiss rumour and drama and instead rise above and seek truth and dignity, it teaches our young people to think critically, reach informed conclusions through independent research, and respect the great importance of truth. With appropriate leadership and role-modelling, young people learn responsibility and respect, and when teenagers make mistakes, as they often do, forgiveness from the significant adults in their lives heals their minds and restores relationships.
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Rachel Valentine
Deputy Principal