From the Deputy Principal
Over the summer break I was asked by so many, ‘aren’t the boys starting this year?’ ‘are you ready for co-education?’ I always responded with a positive, ‘yes, of course!’ and ‘we are always excited and ready every year to greet our newest students to the St Aloysius community’. Whilst the gender of our students is not the crucial factor in my response - we welcome all individuals, eager to learn and contribute to each other’s growth, the gravity of this change to a college with a 136-year-old history, is not lost on me. Responding to the needs of the community through education and service has been actively demonstrated by the Sisters of Mercy for nearly 200 years. Our response to the need for co-education is merely a contribution to a much greater story.
Our students commenced Monday with Years 11,12 and 7 marking their presence followed by Years 8-11 on Tuesday. Photo day, level assemblies and meeting new teachers, adjusting to new bell times has been a busy distraction. Year 12s enjoyed Retreat at University of Melbourne and will follow with Year 12 Formal further emphasising the importance of 2023 as a year to set up their future aspirations and pathways. Next week Year 7s attend camp, an important opportunity to create new friendships and share in unique memories of secondary school life.
Already communications have been distributed regarding the Opening of the School Year Mass, this year marking an important new phase of St Aloysius College’s history and being celebrated at St Patrick’s Cathedral. The date is February 16 commencing 6.30pm. All families are invited, and it is a compulsory event for all students to attend. Regardless of the faith of our community’s members, we welcome all to celebrate this most auspicious occasion which is a demonstration of our catholic ethos of welcoming all with respect. The cathedral will be adourned with St Aloysius banners, students will be in the Choir and many processing emphasising our connection with each other. I remind parents to please complete the Operoo which will provide information to allow us to prepare transport for our students to the Cathedral and back to the College as required.
We look forward to seeing our community celebrate 2023 on February 16, continually ‘striving for higher things’.
Ad Altiora
Rachel Valentine
Deputy Principal