From the Principal

8 August is the Solemnity of St Mary of the Cross MacKillop

Let us try to keep God with us by charity of thought, word and act.

May we take these words as inspiration as we pray that the tenderness, care and wisdom of the elderly are celebrated and honoured throughout July and beyond.

St Mary MacKillop had a saying: Never see a need without doing something about it.

The first Sunday in August is designated as International Forgiveness Day. It's an interesting and important concept, a day dedicated to forgiveness. Forgiveness though is something of a paradox - in the first instance it seems such a simple act, but in reality, it's something so difficult and hence we even have the saying, 'to err is human, to forgive is divine'. Looking around the globe at so many troubles and challenges, forgiveness seems as remote an ideal for living as it ever has. Peace is reliant on forgiveness and it's no surprise to me that what lies at the heart of Christianity is the act of forgiveness - think for instance of Christ's parable of the prodigal son which refers both to human and divine forgiveness; think again of Jesus' Sermon on the Mount which fully expresses the Christian act of forgiveness: “Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy.” Mercy and forgiveness, one in the same. The ultimate act of forgiveness was when Jesus asked for God's forgiveness of those who crucified him: "And Jesus said, 'Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.'" Forgiveness is not an option if you are a Christian, but rather we must forgive to be Christian.

Units 3&4 Students

Although it seems the term has just commenced, this week in fact marks its mid-point. For students who are undertaking a Unit 3/4 subject, the next few weeks will bring into clarity the upcoming examinations. As parents, it's important to understand that your daughters will naturally begin to feel more 'pressure' as the final SACs build up and revision work commences. During the next couple of months, it's also important for you to support her by re-confirming that by working to the extent of their limitations is difficult but knowing that they have done their very best is the greatest reward - and that is what we celebrate about at St Aloysius.

Senior Student Leadership for 2023

On Wednesday, I was involved in interviewing a number of Year 11 students who have applied for a leadership portfolio – Co-Captains for 2023 . The students were very impressive, and their applications reflected the passion and commitment they have for both the College and the entire student body. All students who applied for these roles have also undertaken a compulsory course designed by Ms Siobhan Bloomfield, Director of Students and Programs, where they reflected upon Mercy Leadership and its importance to our College Community. I congratulate all the students who put their hands up to be elected by their peers and staff and I wish them all the very best.

Mary Farah, St Aloysius College Principal