From the Principal
Dear Parents/Carers,
A very warm welcome back to all for Term 2. I would like to extend a special welcome to the new students and their families who are joining us this term, and also to the new staff. I'm sure that all have felt a warm St Aloysius welcome and are already feeling being an integral part of this wonderful and welcoming St Aloysius College community.
This weekend our staff and students return from our exchange programs from Italy and Japan, and I would like to extend a big thank you to all staff who accompanied these trips and to all the students who participated in this program on their outstanding conduct as ambassadors of St Aloysius College.
Next week, Thursday 25, we will commemorate ANZAC Day; a day which welcomes reflection by all Australians and New Zealanders on those who have served before and now, and on those who gave the ultimate sacrifice in war so we can enjoy life as we do. On the 25th April, 1915 Australia and New Zealand soldiers formed part of the allied that set out to capture Gallipoli peninsula.
ANZAC Day though is not just a day of remembrance and reflection but has become a day to represent a spirit that has vivid lessons for us today. The spirit of dedication and commitment, the spirit of endeavour and endurance, which were so evident at Anzac Cove 109 years ago, can all help us refocus on our present challenges. With the current events in our country and the world so heart-wrenching and so immediate, ANZAC Day also reminds us that, sadly, war is not in the past, it’s not an historical dinosaur, freedom is not secure, democracy is still fragile, and that those who serve today do so at such risk but do so in honour and protection of our way of life. A sobering reminder that we may be living in the lucky country, but that luck has been bought with sacrifice, and sadly continues to be so.
We continue to pray for peace, and for the safety and wellness particularly of those s who are suffering.
Hence, on Monday, we acknowledge and remember history and within a whole school service pray for peace for all nations.
I saw a kid marchin’ with medals on his chest.
He marched alongside Diggers marching six abreast.
He knew that it was ANZAC Day - he walked along with pride.
He did his best to keep in step with the Diggers by his side.
And when the march was over the kid was rather tired.
A Digger said “Whose medals, son?” to which the kid replied: “They belong to daddy, but he did not come back.
He died up in New Guinea on a lonely jungle track”.
The kid looked rather sad then and a tear came to his eye.
The Digger said “Don’t cry my son and I will tell you why.
Your daddy marched with us today - all the blooming way.
We Diggers know that he was there - it’s like that on ANZAC Day”.
The kid looked rather puzzled and didn’t understand,
But the Digger went on talking and started to wave his hand.
“For this great land we live in, there’s a price we have to pay
For we all love fun and merriment in this country where we live.
The price was that some soldier his precious life must give.
For you to go to school my lad and worship God at will,
Someone had to pay the price so the Diggers paid the bill.
Your daddy died for us my son - for all things good and true.
I wonder if you understand the things I’ve said to you”.
The kid looked up at the Digger - just for a little while
And with a changed expression, said, with a lovely smile:
“I know my dad marched here today - this is ANZAC Day.
I know he did. I know he did, all the bloomin’ way”.
ANZAC Day - D Hunter