Embracing the Future

From the Principal

Mother Teresa of Calcutta, once said, "It is impossible to walk rapidly and be unhappy."

For Mother Teresa, who spent her life serving others, walking rapidly symbolised the urgency and commitment to her mission. Her joyful stride was not just physical; it was a reflection of her inner peace and contentment.

In our fast-paced world, it’s easy to lose sight of the meaning behind our actions. But Mother Teresa's words remind us that when we move with purpose—when we have a mission that drives us forward—it becomes difficult to remain unhappy. The act of walking rapidly, of moving towards something meaningful, fosters a sense of fulfillment.

This philosophy resonates deeply with the ethos of St. Aloysius. Just as Mother Teresa found joy in her purposeful stride, St. Aloysius embodies a forward-looking vision that inspires action and growth. At St. Aloysius, the focus is not just on academic excellence but on nurturing a spirit of service, leadership, and compassion—values that align closely with both Mother Teresa and Catherine McAuley’s life and work.

The community at St. Aloysius continually looks forward, embracing the challenges of the future with optimism and determination. Whether through innovative educational programs, community outreach, or spiritual development, this forward momentum, much like the rapid stride Mother Teresa spoke of, brings a sense of happiness and fulfillment to the entire College community.

Mother Teresa's and Catherine McAuley’s wisdom, combined with the forward-looking spirit of St. Aloysius, teaches us that happiness is not a destination but a byproduct of purposeful action. By walking rapidly—both literally and metaphorically—we can infuse our lives with the joy that comes from knowing we are moving in the right direction. Saying this, on Friday we have a student study day and staff spirituality day, exploring the theme of Living Mercy.

Mary Farah
College Principal

Mercy Education CEO Commissioning

On Tuesday, 20 August several staff and students were involved in the celebration of the commissioning of Mercy Education Chief Executive, Louisa Rennie. I thank all the staff who prepared and rehearsed our students, including the College Choir, in preparation for this special event.

Father’s Day Breakfast

We’re excited to celebrate Father’s Day with our annual breakfast on Friday, August 30th. Thank you to all the fathers who have already RSVP’d.

This year, we’re thrilled to welcome the following guest speakers:

  • Daniel Cash, Barrister and father of Marlo in Year 7
  • Daniel Flitton, Managing Editor of The Interpreter and father of Howie in Year 8
  • Mat Tinkler, CEO of Save the Children and father of Audrey in Year 8

We greatly appreciate their willingness to share their insights and look forward to honouring all fathers in our College community. Final tickets are available here.