Welcome to 2023

From the Principal copy

It is my pleasure to start 2023 with a warm welcome to all current and new members of our College community. As Principal, I could not be any prouder to be writing this article.

2023 will certainly go down in the history of St Aloysius College: a year where there are so many ‘new things’ – new cohorts, new uniforms for Year 7s, new staff members, a new daily structure and new strategic plan. But these ‘news’ are only possible, and absolutely made real, by our traditions – our Mercy values, our college motto, our outstanding staff, our amazing community and our supportive parents. As parents, you are particularly integral to our story: after all, you are the first educators...

This newsletter includes reflections from each year level leader and some of our students, and we encourage you to learn more about the first week back by reading each of them.

We have chosen a theme for 2023 that resonates today and yet was uttered over 180 years ago:

“We should be shining lamps, giving light to all around us”
Catherine McAuley   |   Founder, Sisters of Mercy

As lamps and lights, we are encouraged to see the best in others, encouraged to see the light in a moment of darkness and encouraged that as a community we are here to support, to hold and to encourage.

Yesterday and today our Year 12s, the Class of 2023, joined together on their annual Retreat which is held at Newman College , the University of Melbourne.

It was a chance for them to reflect upon where they are in their lives, and to steady themselves for what will certainly be the most challenging, most complex, most fun and most emotional year of their schooling. Resilience and perspective are key take-aways, as these are the traits which serve a Year 12 student the most - perspective is a very mature attitude and resilience is perhaps the key to sustained success; maturity and sustained effort are the wings that will carry the Class of 2023 to 'strive for higher things'

And this evening we join them to celebrate their year 12 formal. I hope all have great time and thank all staff who will be joining to support our students!

Please keep in your prayers Cynne Yang and her family for the sudden and sad lost of her mother in China. May she rest in peace

I look forward to seeing you at our opening School Mass, Thursday 16 February. More communications regarding this special celebration will be shared with you from members of the leadership team

Let’s pray
Be Our Light for the New Year
Come, Holy Spirit, Spirit of the Risen Christ, be with us today and always.
Be our Light, our Guide, and our Comforter.
Be our Strength, our Courage, and our Sanctifier.

Mary Farah
St Aloysius College Principal