Nourishing our Future Leaders

From Year 10

One of the highlights for Year 10 this fortnight was the Nourish session on Monday in which students had the opportunity to reconnect with their Year 7 mentees. The Year 10s should be praised for their participation and guidance to their Year 7 mentees, displaying the Mercy Values of leadership and hospitality to the younger students.

Congratulations to the following students on being elected as the Semester 2 Class Co-captains:

  • 10A - Loaner Geng and Setara Kazim Ali
  • 10B - Helena Carras and Jacqui Puccio
  • 10C - Charlotte Di Mauro and Stevie Mari Jabines.

I am always proud of the great effort the students put in. Every little step counts to create a bigger picture for the future.

January Ma
Year 10 Leader

Student Reflections

The school organised for some year 9 and 10 students to go on an excursion at the Alliance Francaise center in the city. The French instructors were very welcoming and all were willing to expand our French speaking and listening skills. During the session, we were split into different teams and given challenges based on the 2024 Paris Olympics. After the team games, we were treated a French snack that consisted of baguettes and jam. To end the session, we all completed a quiz based on the historical and trivial parts of the Olympics. I personally found this excursion fun as we could collaborate with the year 9s while engrossing ourselves in the French language.
Stevie J 10C
The French trivia night is always fun, however, this year’s trivia night was more fun than that of last year. This is because we were able to work as a team with other schools and year 9 students. Weall equally contributed our own knowledge in our team to answer most of the questions. The thing that stood out during that event is that most of the students spoke French really well. I even asked one of the girls that was in our team if she was French, but she laughed and said that speaking French is about being consistent in practicing and speaking in front of other people. I personally learned a lot of things during that event such as the goodness of teamwork and collaboration as well as being consistent in practicing French speaking, in order to be good at French speaking. Therefore, in order to improve my French speaking and writing skills, I have to be consistent by at least practicing my grammar and speaking in front of my friends. Sadly, this is our last trivia night. I wish we had other more social interactive events such as trivia night for year 11 and 12 French students. I see this as a good opportunity to haul out our French. Which can make us gain more confidence in the French language.
Athiei G 10C
For me, Year 10 has been a time of great change and adjustment. We have learnt new topics, experimented in new electives, had fun activities to do as a cohort, and even had our first mid-term exams. Having Ms Ma as our Year Level leader has been amazing, as she welcomes us to talk to her and always comes to us with a bright smile. One of my favourite things we’ve done this year was having a performance to show the impacts of bullies and toxic relationships, as it was very informative and entertaining. Of course, getting to step into the role of Class Co-Captain for 10C in semester 2 has already been a great experience, and I can't wait to see what else will come in the next few weeks
Charlotte D 10C