The places you'll go!

From Year 10

The more that you read, the more things you will know; The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go
Dr Seuss   |   I Can Read With My Eyes Shut!

This quote reminds our students of the purpose of learning and how this journey of learning will take them to many places and pathways in their lives. Our Year 10 students continue to identify their personal strengths and areas for improvement related to their studies and had an opportunity to discuss their study schedule in Success Advisor Sessions. One of the highlights was last week, when the College welcomed former Victorian Attorney-General Rob Hulls AM to speak to all Year 10 students about his experience in the Victorian criminal justice system. His talk inspired students to learn about Victorian law reform and the legal system in place in Victoria. As the term is getting busier, our Year 10s are determined to continue with their journey and build up their stamina when experiencing difficulties.

January Ma
Year 10 Leader

We are nearly done with term one and it has gone by so fast! Year 10 has been going really well so far! Last week, we got the incredible opportunity to listen to former Australian politician Robert Hulls AM. He has made such an amazing difference to the justice system for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, and really cares so much about giving everyone justice and fairness. Listening to him was so incredible because he was so engaging and such a nice guy. Overall, Year 10 is going well for everyone and flying by!
Amelia O’Brien, 10A
Last Thursday, former Victorian Attorney General Rob Hulls came to talk to the Year 10s and VCE Legal Studies students about his role in the criminal justice system. Rob Hulls gave us a very useful and enriching talk about how his realisation that the justice system was unfair and unjust. Further to his talk, Rob was able to supply us with guidance and advice for our future in the judicial system and inspired students about the possibility of pursuing a career in the legal profession.
Mya Borg, 10B
This week our year has been very busy settling into Year 10 as we have had a full week preparing for tests and assignments. Our new electives have been very enjoyable while we get to learn new approaches to learning that interest us. We have had a man named Rob Hulls come and talk to us about his long career in politics and law. His speech was very inspiring and students found it motivating to pursue a career in helping others. Our ACS teams have also been improving while we all work together in our teams to try our best and give it our all.
Elsa Macgregor and Olivia Sutherland, 10C