From Year 10
A very warm welcome back to the College for our Year 10 community. It was fantastic to see our Year 10 students came back with such positive energy and ready to start another great school year. The Year 10 students commenced the day with a pastoral assembly in which the Pastoral Team was introduced: Ms Pippa Mills (10A), Mr Jeremy Loadman (10B) and Ms Anne Stamboulis (10C). During period 1, students had the opportunity to sign up for the House Swimming Carnival and spent some time with their pastoral leaders. In period 2, they were involved in the 7&10 Mentors Program in which they introduced themselves to their Year 7 mentees. There were great discussions and chats in the Year 7 area. Students then had a photo-taking session and returned to their normal classes.
I look forward to a fantastic year with our Year 10 students.
January Ma
Year 10 Leader
On Tuesday it was our first day back at school. We had many fun things that happened as we also got the privilege of meeting the new year 7s as well as the new teachers that have joined us. We were all so excited to meet the new year 7s and we had so much fun meeting and getting to know our little buddies. Overall, we all had a fun and exciting first day back.
Jasmine Foo and Olivia Mosticoni, 10A
The past few days of year 10 have been exciting. Many of us were relieved to be back at school. We have had a busy first week with many events happening such as meeting new students and teachers, meeting our year 7 buddies and having photo day. We are all happy to be back to school for the new school year.
Jonnabelle Ora-Santos, 10B
Tuesday was the first day of school for year 8, 9 and 10. Excitement was in the air, getting to see our friends and start our Year 10 classes. In the first period, we had pastoral where we had a short year-level assembly and prepared to meet our new year 7 buddies. We spent period 2 getting to know our buddies and doing activities together. It was great to finally meet them. We had our class photo and single photos after recess. It was an exciting first day and prepared us for our classes the next day.
Alyssia Diegmann, 10C