From Year 12
The Year 12s have been very busy this past fortnight completing their coursework and SAC’s and also participating in numerous seminars relating to the GAT.
The students have been introduced to the changes to the GAT and have participated in numeracy and literacy seminars focusing on the sample questions and strategies for completing the test. The General Achievement Test (GAT) assesses skills in mathematics, science, technology, the arts and humanities. The GAT will also assess your skills against new literacy and numeracy standards introduced this year. This week both the Year 12s and 11s completing Unit 3 & 4 studies all completed a practice GAT, giving them an understanding of the test structure, requirements and the seating plan. We wish the students all best for the GAT which will take place on Wednesday 7 September.
Eden our college psychologist has also presented a session this week on Test Anxiety during Nourish. During Term 2 students attended a seminar with Eden regarding Stress Management, this session further looked at strategies the students can use around stress and anxiety, with a particular focus on tests and exams.
The cohort were also given their Year 12 jumpers, the design features both the new College crest and the past crest which they have been wearing for their time here at the College. The old crest is placed on the back and the new at the front symbolising moving forward and the future ahead. The students were excited to receive their special jumpers and have enjoyed wearing them on campus.
Daniela Franzé, Year 12 Leader