From Year 7
On Thursday and Friday this week we had the pleasure of taking a few of our Year 7 students to their former primary schools as ambassadors of St Aloysius College. Our students sat with students from other secondary schools on a transition panel in sessions designed to help prepare Grade 6 students for the next step of their academic journey.
On Thursday, we visited Christ the King primary school where our Year 7s spoke with students from St Monica's, St John's and Christ the King, and today we visited St Theresa's Primary in Albion where we spoke to students from St Theresa's and Our Lady Help of Christians. All students were excited to welcome us and hear about our school, and the teachers were delighted to see some of their former students.
Making connections is an important part of the Transition to high school. Grade 6 teachers around Melbourne are working to prepare their students to embark on the adventure that is secondary school. It was a very proud morning for me to watch our students represent their college, their funny anecdotes and candid responses warmed my heart. It was also very exciting to think that among the audience of young listeners were some of our own new students who were asking question with vigour.
By taking part in a forum such as this, our Year 7 students used all the skills they had been learning over the course of the school year. They confidently communicated with their young peers about just how lucky they are to belong to our Mercy community. Our students spoke about the benefits of the Nourish program, the joy of having a Mentor and the importance of the learning that has taken places in coaching each fortnight. The students involved all came away feeling grateful that they had chosen to be part of the St Aloysius community.
Tamara Lourdes
Year 7 Leader
I loved representing our school. It was fun to see my teacher from Grade 6
I felt proud to sit on the panel and speak about our school
I have been excited about doing this. Ms Lourdes prepared us for the forum we could not wait to talk about our school.
To think we were in primary school not that long ago! We have come a long way.
This was a special opportunity. I felt nervous at the start but I found my voice. Loved visiting my primary school.