New Canteen Ideas Take Flight

From Year 7

Year 7 Canteen Projects

Over the last few weeks in Year 7 HPE, our Year 7s have been exploring nutrition. The unit has been a very popular one with students learning about food labels, what is in our food and what we need to eat and drink to help our body thrive. This unit culminated in an assessment where students could apply their knowledge to an area they are all very interested in; a new school canteen.

In this assessment, students were asked to design a canteen for St Aloysius College that has a focus on healthy eating and provides diverse meal options. Students presented their knowledge and understanding in three parts beginning with a written proposal outlining key skills and theory discussed in our unit. The second part was their visual display showcasing what their canteen and menu might look like and lastly, a peer review.

There was a buzz on the way to the State Netball Hockey Centre as students lugged their displays onto the bus. There was a bit of freedom with the visual component, meaning students could show their ideas in a range of ways. The students had so much fun with this concept and we saw some incredible displays and ideas.

Henry M, 7E - Gonzaga Gourmet

Henry presented his work as a menu and brochure. His menu was highly detailed and even included a traffic light system which helped with making choices when selecting items.

Serena S, 7C – Aloysius Eats

Serena went to a lot of effort to present her visual and even included 3D components making her presentation interactive for viewers. Serena took inspiration from Grill’d, creating an educational program using bottle caps. Very groovy!

Eva B and Tiffany P, 7E – McAuley Corner and Verdernero Canteen

These students got creative with their designs. Tiffany went down the artistic path, employing her painting skills and presenting her work on canvas. Eva created a cardboard three-panel display that showcased different areas of her work. The effort from both girls is to be commended!

Jordan Miller
Year 7 Learning Leader

Year 7 Religious Education

In Term 3, one of the assessments for Religious Education was to make the prayer beads reflecting knowledge of the unit on prayer and showing the importance of prayer and the different ways people pray.

Lucy B from 7B has demonstrated her understanding of Catholic Rosary beads by creating an exceptionally beautiful set of Rosary beads.

Sr. Anila Issac
Education Support Officer