From Year 8
Dear Parents, guardians and students,
It is with pleasure that we announce the Year 8 Class Co-Captains and House Leaders for 2023. Part of their responsibilities will be to support students in their cohort, working with other student leaders and representing the college on special occasions. It is a wonderful opportunity to give back and make a difference. Congratulations for being brave enough to step out of your comfort zone and have a go.
The Year 8 Leaders for 2023 are:
- 8A Co Captains: Audrey Fleming & Ruby Rudd
- 8B Co Captains: Catherine Fu & Olivia Sutherland
- 8C Co captains: Angwit Akien & Claire McIntyre
- McAuley House Leaders: Jocelyn Weng & Clementine Line
- Fallon House Leaders: Chantelle Youhana & Amy Bozinovic-Dodemaide
- Scully House Leaders: Millie Delaney & Seone Grande
- Verdon House Leaders: Keona O’Brien & Pia Millevo
Wednesday saw the much-anticipated swimming carnival at Oak Park swimming centre. Congratulations to all who took part, especially those students who were acting out of their comfort zone. It is events such as these that we remember with fondness in the future.
A very excited 8A will venture off to the College’s Torquay Facility for 3 days of camp on Monday. We wish them well.
And lastly, I include photos and some reflections from our newly appointed 2023 Year 8 Class Co captains and House Leaders
Sincere regards,
Rita Stangherlin
Year 8 Team Leader
The experience of signing up for class-co captain or any other leadership position may seem scary at first, but it is most definitely worth it. Speaking in front of your class and your teachers with a speech that you have prepared can be frightening, but it is excellent practice and a great skill to have in life and for future opportunities. I look forward to getting to know my pastoral group better and to share an amazing semester and year with 8A.
Ruby Rudd 8A Class Co-Captain
Being selected for class co-captain has so far been a wonderful experience that I am very so grateful for. This job has been about putting best self forward, as running for this position required absolute confidence and commitment. I look forward to working with my fellow co-captain, Olivia, as well as our pastoral teachers and class, to provide the best outcome by the end of this exciting semester.
Catherine Fu, 8B Co Captain
I’m happy and grateful that I was elected to this leadership role, I feel that this will make me feel even more part of the community and also, I look forward to helping my peers and supporting my pastoral leaders. I’m looking forward to participating in as many things as possible at our college.
Angwit Akien, 8C Class Co Captain
Being selected as one of the McAuley House Leaders has been a great, and I am so glad I took the opportunity. Being a house captain, I am very excited to cheer on my house during swimming and athletics carnivals as well as house games.
Jocelyn Weng, McAuley House Leader
From my experience last year as the class captain of 7C, I considered the role of Scully house leader, I am overjoyed that I was the elected. I am looking forward to running the house events for my house alongside the other house leaders, like the swimming carnival. I know I will develop so many skills and qualities from the role like responsibility, integrity and passion.
Seone Grande, Scully House leader