Kendo Incursion

From Year 8

Year 7 and 8 students at St Aloysius College had a unique and action-packed experience when Oliver Sensei, from the Ballarat Kendo Iaido Jodo Club and President of the Victorian Kendo Association, visited to introduce them to the art of Kendo.

The session kicked off with a whirlwind tour through the history of Kendo, where students learned about its samurai roots and how it evolved into the martial art it is today. Oliver Sensei also shared insights into the various pieces of equipment used in Kendo, from the shinai (bamboo sword) to the bogu (protective armor) and the hakama (traditional clothing). The students were particularly curious about the purposes behind these items—some even tried on the gear to see how they measured up to a real samurai!

But the real excitement began when Oliver Sensei demonstrated Kendo techniques. With swift and precise movements, he captivated the audience, and then came the part everyone was waiting for—the combat demonstration. Students took on the role of umpires, calling out scores and cheering on the action.

The incursion wasn't just educational; it was a whole lot of fun. Students left with new knowledge about Kendo and a few good laughs. A big thank you to Oliver Sensei for bringing the world of Kendo to St Aloysius College and giving our students an experience they won't soon forget!

Daria Volokh
Language Teacher

The experience was definitely one to remember. The instructor was very informative; he made the lesson fun while giving us lots of information. Plus, he had a great sense of humour, which kept us all laughing!
Stephanie S, 8A
I really enjoyed learning more about samurai culture and samurai families. We were introduced to the history of these families and the formation of martial arts. It gave me an in-depth insight into a part of Japanese culture I hadn't previously experienced, and we were privileged to watch the instructors perform their form of martial arts. We were also taught about the specific equipment and uniforms they wore and their purposes. It was a very engaging and fun experience. Certain classmates got to participate in scoring, asking questions, and using the wooden swords. Overall, the experience was very interesting and interactive. I really enjoyed it and feel privileged to have experienced it.
Saroan A, 8A
I thought that the incursion was very good, I thought that the instructor and assistants were very skillful and taught us well. Overall, the experience was a good one and I enjoyed is very much, I would recommend this to other students at the school.
Julius C, 8B
The Kendo Incursion was fascinating! They had awesome materials and taught us about the origins of the samurais and Kendo. We got to touch and play with real swords and learn how to use them. The instructor also told us how to referee a match of Kendo. Not to mention watch a real fight. Although the Kendo teacher was sometimes strict but his funny jokes made up for that. It made the whole thing fun and interesting. We learned a lot about Kendo and Japan's history. It was like stepping into a different world! The event was a mix of serious learning and fun, and it made us appreciate Kendo and Samurais even more. It was an experience we won't forget!
Samuel L, 8B