An exciting term ahead

From Year 8

Welcome back to Term 4! It’s hard to believe we are already in Week 2. As we enter this final term, I’d like to commend the Year 8 students on their dedication to their academics and enthusiasm as members of our school community.

During the holidays, several Year 8 students showcased their creative talents at the Royal Melbourne Show. Their outstanding creations were proudly featured in different categories, highlighting their dedication and creative minds. We are incredibly proud of their achievements!

Term 4 will bring exciting learning opportunities and a multitude of engaging activities for the students to participate in. I encourage the students to continue their positive attitude towards their learning and interactions with their peers. It brings me great joy to see the students embrace various challenges as they continue to grow as lifelong learners.

Emma Turner
Year 8 Leader

Learning Highlight

In Science, the Year 8 students have begun the term with an enriching learning opportunity to dissect organs. A very important part of science is the development of practical skills in the laboratory. Whether this is using the microscope, synthesising chemicals, or dissecting organs, these skills allow students to apply their theoretical knowledge. Indeed, while undertaking their ‘Body Systems’ unit, our Year 8 students completed a heart dissection to extend their understanding of the cardiovascular system.

Ana Milosovska
Year 8 Science Teacher

This term, we’ve been studying body systems and their functions. This week, we did heart dissections, which gave us a close look at the heart's structure. Seeing the different parts up close made it easier to understand how they connect and work together. This hands-on experience made it easier to understand what we learned in class and gave me a clearer understanding of the heart.
William Dearness
In Science, we had the opportunity to dissect a sheep heart. It was very interesting as we were able to cut open the heart and look at all the functions in the organ.
Edie Coetzee
In Science, we got to explore the heart. This task was very interesting and fun. We got to look at the veins and arteries going to and from the heart. We then got to cut it open and see the inside. It was very interesting. We saw the wall of the heart and the heart springs. It was super fun. After that, we also got to look at a heart and lung connected, which was very cool to see. Overall, I had lots of fun with this task.
Jonah Accaputo
I did the Science Practical on 9/10/24. Before we started the 'surgery,' we learnt about how the heart functions, how it looked, and where to cut. At the start of the lesson, we were handed a sheet that explained everything we needed to know; this gave us a better understanding of what we were doing and how to do it. We put on our lab coats, goggles, and gloves, then went to the example desk where Ms Hannigan showed us where to cut and highlighted important areas that we should look at. This deepened our understanding and captivated us in the task. The people who were not fans of the blood or didn't want to cut were able to do a different activity online. We made two incisions on the sheep heart. Doing this practical was an excellent way to determine if this was something we would be interested in pursuing in the future for a potential job, or if this was something we should leave behind. It was an amazing experience and taught us how to be careful and delicate with things that were once living. In the end, we were shown the lung and heart attached and how they worked as a whole. Overall, this was a very fun experience that I would love to do again.
Gabby Roberts