From Year 9
This past two weeks has been packed with lunchtime activities as the Year 9 students are actioning their Mercy RITES projects.
On Thursdays we have book club running in the DTI and as a separate project we had a group of girls run and Wordle competition in the STEM room, Monday we had a create your own tune in the music room and on Tuesday we had Art Club running. While the activities are supervised by a staff member, these activities are all run by small groups of Year 9 students for their Mercy RITES Community Engagement Interest Projects. Students from all year levels have been attending the sessions. The projects have been a great success, especially during the cold winter lunchtimes as students like to have the opportunity to have a fun lunchtime activity rather than sit outside.
On Thursday 11th August 9A ran their Year Level Assembly. The theme was Movies, and they had several fun activities all around movies. There was a Kahoot and a guess the tune for the movie. It was a fun and interactive assembly. Well done to 9A for setting the standard. The assemblies are all students driven. Working with their teacher, students come up with a theme, content, and activities. Every member in the class must have a task related to the assembly.
In Nourish on Thursday 18th August Year 9 & 10 students participated in a Year Level Assembly run by The Pelvic Pain Foundation Australia. The talk consisted of a one hour positive, fun and educational and interactive program discussing period pain, pelvic pain and endometriosis. The students thoroughly enjoyed the session providing feedback the session was extremely educational and worthwhile.
Next week on Wednesday 24th August students will participate in the Year 9 Reflection Day. We have a great presenter for the day, Leila Gurruwiwi who is the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education Officer, Learning Diversity from Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools. She will run sessions on identity and reconciliation. The day will be extremely informing and educational.
Mary De Bono, Year 9 Leader