From Year 9
On Tuesday, 25th February, the College welcomed Parents and Carers to the Year 9 Information Evening. The event provided valuable insights into the academic, wellbeing, and Co-Curricular opportunities available for Year 9 students this year.
The presentation provided parents with beneficial information regarding the 2025 Year 9 Wellbeing Program focusing on GROWTH, alongside the support from our Counselling and Psychology Team. A key focus was on student agency to guide the Year 9 students along their learning journey, including coaching and mentoring to support healthy study habits. More information was provided on the exciting opportunities for our students, including the Sport Off Campus (SOC) Program, a diverse range of Co-Curricular activities, and a reflection on the Year 9 Canberra Camp. Lastly, Parents and Carers were given an opportunity to meet their child’s Pastoral Leader, fostering a strong partnership to support student wellbeing and learning.
We thank all families who attended and look forward to a fantastic year ahead!
Emma Turner
Year 9 Leader
Year 9 Food Technology Excursion to il Mercato Centrale
This week, our Year 9 Food Technology students had the exciting opportunity to visit ‘Il Mercato Centrale Melbourne’. Across two days, all three classes explored the Italian food market, engaging in workshops, sampling authentic dishes, and gaining insights into artisan food production.
Students partook in a guided tour of Il Mercato Centrale on Collins Street, where they met passionate food artisans and tasted a variety of traditional Italian foods. From freshly baked bread and handmade pasta to gourmet cheeses and pastries, the students had the opportunity to expand their palates while learning about the origins and techniques behind each dish.
As part of their interactive workshops, students rotated through different culinary activities. Some mastered the art of gnocchi, learning how to shape and roll it, which will prepare them for when they make it in class next week. Some students explored pizza dough, understanding the science behind fermentation and elasticity, whilst others took on the challenge of filling and decorating traditional cannoli, refining their piping skills and experiencing the delicate balance of crisp pastry and creamy ricotta filling. Finally, students witnessed the art of gelato making, watching fresh ingredients mixed with modern technology - "spinning" machines - while still sharing generations of gelato craftsmanship.
As we have begun our unit of work looking at Italian cuisine, this excursion was a fantastic way for students to connect classroom learning with real experiences, deepening their appreciation for food, culture, and culinary craftsmanship. The students were lucky enough to be the first school to have had this tour experience at this venue, and the staff at Il Mercato Centrale were fantastic, making it a memorable excursion and experience.
Grace Forslind
Food Technology Teacher