From Year 8
The Year 8 students have been very busy over the last fortnight with the co-curricular activities offered at the College. Many students have taken part in rehearsals and preparation for the College Musical, Aladdin JR, the SCSA Interschool Athletics Carnival and The Catholic Earth Care Summit to name a few.
Year 8 Students also participated in a True North workshop about a developing a GRIT mindset, run by The Huddle at the North Melbourne Football Club. This interactive session helped students to understand the importance of “perseverance and passion for long-term goals.” The students discussed persevering with something, even when you face obstacles. Without grit, talent may be nothing more than unmet potential. Grit combines resilience, ambition, and self-control in the pursuit of goals that take months, years, or even decades. The partnership between St Aloysius College and the North Melbourne Football Club allows our students access to resources, coaching, facilities and programs developed to promote and support their social, emotional and physical wellbeing and connectedness.
Rita Stangerlin, Year 8 Leader
Code Green Reflection:
This summit gave us the opportunity to learn as a group but also to learn from other students who are trying to make a change in their school community. Each session challenged our thinking in new and exciting ways, making us realize that there is a long way to go. However, having been able to share our ideas and hear from other students inspired us to think of big changes for our school. We are thrilled to work towards a more sustainable future through this amazing program.
The summit has raised our awareness about the need for more native plants and flowers. The B&B Highway task was very educational and informative on the different types of bees and pollinators that help us in our day to day lives. This showed us that pollinators have a very strong impact on our fruit, vegetables and dairy products. This task motivated us act and start up new fundraisers and plans and continue to raise awareness of the importance of sustainability. - Code Green Team
Overall, this experience was both incredible and motivating. Giving us the desire to think larger and better about environmental protection. This will assist not only animals such as bees and birds but also the human race for future generations to come.
Alexandra Fotopoulos 8C