From Year 10
At the beginning of the year all Year 10 students completed Careers testing. It was with great excitement that they received their results this week. Their individual report identifies skills and interests they may assist them to explore careers they have not yet considered. Students will continue to investigate possible future careers and course as part of the Future Me subject. Ms Abelardo, the St. Aloysius Careers coordinator has also spoken to the Year Level to explain the different pathways in Senior school including VCE, VET and the new VCE Vocation Major. Learning leaders from the various faculties will be speaking to students about subjects on offer at St. Aloysius over the next two weeks.
Andrea Barr, Year 10 Level Leader
Year 10 Reflection of the Athletics Carnival
Recently the school held our Athletics Carnival. Heaps of girls got the chance to show off their skills and support their house teams by participating. Even the girls that are not really into sports were able to cheer on their friends from the sidelines and have their own fun by playing card games and sharing food with their friends. The Athletics Carnival is always a wonderful way to bring the school together and have a laugh!
Isabel Valsecchi-Dormer, 10C