From the Principal
The Month of July
Pope Francis has asked that during the month of July we pray for the elderly, so that they may be “teachers of tenderness”. The Pontiff stated that our world, filled with war, greatly requires “a true revolution of tenderness”, and explaining how the elderly can help take the hard edge off society.
Sunday 24 July is a World Day dedicated to the elderly. Pope Francis explained it this way:
Let us remember, grandparents and the elderly are the bread that nourishes our lives; they are the hidden wisdom of a people
May we take these words as inspiration as we pray that the tenderness, care and wisdom of the elderly are celebrated and honoured throughout July and beyond.
College Musical Production
Yesterday we had the opening of our College Production, Aladdin Jr. I am personally amazed at how our very talented staff and students are able to lift the proverbial bar each year. But these nights don’t just happen by themselves, they are the result of not only talent but they are a product of months of planning and weeks upon weeks of rehearsals. During this time literally many are involved - parents become taxi drivers, ferrying daughters to cast rehearsals, and no doubt spending many hours helping them to learn lines and songs, a multitude of staff helped with costumes, lighting, programs, promotion, sets and make-up to name just a few of the tasks attended to and of course a whole host of students, both back-stage and on-stage who have spent countless hours ensuring that everything is ready to go. To all, thank you and very, very well done, in particular I would to extend my thanks to Nadia Lavelle and Amber Sidoni.
Child Safe
St Aloysius College is committed to a culture of, and supporting practices for, Child Safety and Wellbeing. The new standards came into effect on 1 July 2022. We have updated our college policies and strategies to comply with the new standards. Student safety and wellbeing at St Aloysius is the responsibility of all. Details outlining our commitment to Child Safety can be found on our website and is attached to this edition of the College Newsletter.
Learning Conferences
Last week we held the second set of Learning Conferences for Years 11 -12. I hope that the feedback the teachers shared with you regarding your daughter’s progress is affirming in preparation for the semester ahead.
General News
Principal Leave
I will be on leave from August 4 – August 23. During this time Rachel Valentine will be acting Principal. Kate Lonsdale and Theresa Daunt will each be acting Deputy Principal for a period of time each during this time.
Staff News
Andrew Del Mastro has accepted a new role at Wesley College as Digital Learning Coach and will conclude his appointment at the College at the beginning of August. I would like to thank Andrew for all his work in his role, as a teacher and as a member of the leadership team and I wish him all the best in his new role.
Mark Smith will commence his role at the College at the beginning of August, as a Physical Education and Health and Human Development teacher. Mark is currently at Siena College, Camberwell and we are looking forward to welcoming him to St Aloysius College and sharing his wealth of experience and expertise in this area.
Mary Farah, St Aloysius College Principal